
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Are You Team Arie or Team Jef?

Soooo its the moment we've all (or I've) been waiting for.... the Bachelorette finale! The Bachelor(ette) finales are always exciting prime tv moments. Like the superbowl for girls. I mean, I find it a bit pathetic how into these shows I get, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I am totally looking forward to devoting 3 hours of my Sunday night to find out WHO Emily Maynard is going to choose!?!  I seriously have spent the last week thinking about this answer. Usually by this time in the season I 100% have a favorite, and whether its my favorite or not, I generally feel pretty confident in my prediction of who the Bachelor(ette) is going to pick. However, this season, I legit have ZERO clue.

I've been an Arie fan from day one. Their first date in Dollywood was beyond romantic and I may have cried a little as they danced and watched Dolly Parton sing "From Here to the Moon and Back". Ahhhh so romantic.

Their chemistry is undeniable. No question about that. The thing is, I'm not sure if the friendship aspect of their relationship is strong enough for them to last long-term. With that said, I sometimes feel that the producers of the show try to throw the viewers off by making them think the Bachelor(ette) is going to pick someone else. How else would Chris Harrison be able to say this is going to be THE MOST DRAMATIC rose ceremonies EVER??  But seriously, they very possibly could have had many deep conversations that just don't make it to tv. At first I was iffy about if Arie was just a ladies' man and only in this for the exposure and his race car career.  But I've decided against that. I think Arie genuinely cares for Emily and I very well think he could be the last man standing.

BUT then there is Jef (with one F)......
Let's talk about night one- He came in on a skateboard and I said to myself.. Who in the world is this guy that looks like he's 12?  I totally was not Team Jef at first, but I did notice a spark from the very beginning between them. It was like middle school- Jef played hard to get and Emily was sooo intrigued by him. They started out very awkward, but then they turned a huge leaf on their date in London (I think?) when they shared their first kiss. From this day forward, my opinion of Emily and Jef with one F totally changed. I think they are ridiculously cute together. He brings out such a fun, quirky side of her. One of my all time favorite moments between them was his hometown date and the letter.....

I mean, if you can watch this with a dry eye you there may or may not be something wrong with you.

Sooooo who is she going to pick??? Are you Team Arie or Team Jef???? I seriously don't know how she is going to decide. A little part of me thinks that maybe she won't choose until tonight at the LIVE taping of After The Final Rose. Yes? No? Maybeso?  I can't take the suspense any longer.

It's BACHELORETTE time!! Enjoy :)

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