
Thursday, May 10, 2012

My First Sewing Project!

This past weekend was a very big accomplishment for me... I completed my first sewing project! We're talking very exciting stuff here. ;)  My mother loved to sew - she was always doing little projects growing up... curtains, halloween costumes, pillows, any type of clothing repair needed... you name it, she could do it. She was always trying to show me things or get me to help, but I had very little interest in such a thing. As a pre-teen/teenager and even college student, I was much more interested in talking on the phone, watching tv, shopping, chatting online and hanging out with my friends. Why would I EVER care how to sew, Mom, when I have you to do it for me?? :)  Recently, I became much more interested in learning the basics of sewing. I mean, it's a pretty handy skill to know.  Especially when you are 5 feet tall and you have to bring EVERY pair of pants you purchase to the tailor. For Christmas this year, my grandmother refurbished my mom's old sewing machine. Now when I say old, I'm talking old. From the 1950's. But let's call it vintage because that sounds so much cooler. I was told although its vintage, it sews like a charm, so I was pretty pumped to be the new proud owner. However, I was afraid to touch this contraption because I had no idea what I was doing. So I enlisted the help of my grandmother (who has done an abundance of sewing projects herself) to come teach me what this sewing thing is all about. First project on the agenda: a valance for our downstairs bathroom! 

We headed to Joann Fabrics and I spent about 45 minutes deciding if I should spend $43.99 on a yard of fabric I LOVED, or $10.99 on a similar fabric, but that was not my 1st choice.  After much debate, I decided I'd go with the no-name brand, with the thought that if I hated it, I only spent $11 bucks and I could always go back for the expensive stuff later. It still has the same pizazz I was looking for, and I convinced myself that no one would ever know the difference (except myself, of course).

Fabric purchased - check!

Now for the measuring/cutting of the fabric... The fabric I bought was only 36" wide and we needed 54" for the window.  "This little dilemma could easily be resolved", said my sewing-expert grandmother, "We just have to match up the patterns".  Riiiiight, of course.  Well, let me tell you, I would not call this part easy. This was definitely my least favorite step of the project, and to be honest my grandmother did most of it. Leave it up to me to pick the fabric with the most intricate pattern!

Once the pattern was aligned and the fabric was measured and cut, I was off to the races!  The actual sewing part of the project was so much fun! With some more practice, I could definitely see this being an enjoyable, relaxing hobby.  The valance was completed in a couple hours, and I felt very accomplished! It also was special to spend quality time with my grandmother, learning a pastime that her and my mom enjoyed so much. 

Here are a few more snapshots from my Sunday sewing extravaganza!


What do you think of my masterpiece?!?  I know, I know. Nothing to write home about, but you have to start somewhere! I say not too shabby for $11.99 and a few hours of special memories. :)

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