
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Hello! Like most women these days, I am your typical, busy lady trying to balance it all from my career to my social life to my family, and striving to look and feel my best while doing it!  I wanted to create a forum filled with things and experiences that decorate my life. I believe every experience in our lives, regardless of how significant or insignificant they may seem at the time, influence and inspire who we are and who we will become. Afterall, life is just that - every single experience compiled together. Not one person's life is the same. Nor is one person's interpretation of a shared experience the same. As similar as we may appear, this is what makes us all so unique, right? Every person we encounter, every song we hear, every relationship we build, the environment we surround ourselves in - they all contribute to our sense of self. These things affect how we think, how we choose to dress, what we choose to consume, who we choose to love - ultimately the reflection of who we are and what decorates us.  My hope for this blog is to not only share things that inspire me and help shape who I am, but to get feedback and hear what inspires YOU. You can expect to find everything from home decor ideas, fashion finds, fitness motivation, new recipes, music I love, books I'm reading, thoughts I ponder, and everything in between! 

Welcome... embrace... enjoy... and decorate your life!  :)

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