

About Me:
Hello world! My name is Cynthia and I live with my husband in a beautiful, little city by the sea in NH. I am an accountant by day, but I prefer to define myself as a good friend, a loving wife, a daughter, a sister, and an over-analyzing, perfectionist who enjoys the simple things in life. When I'm not working, you can find me attempting new recipes, online shopping, drinking wine, catching up on my reality tv, planning my next vacation, (re)decorating my humble abode and making memories! I've had my fair share of joyful times, accompanied by some trying ones filled with sadness and loss - every experience contributing to who I am today. I believe I have a truly wonderful life and can't wait to see what my future brings!

About this Blog:
My plan for this blog is to share all the things that I love with anyone who wants to read them! You can expect to find everything from home decor ideas & projects, fashion finds, fitness motivation, new recipes (healthy and probably some not so healthy!), music I love, books I'm reading, thoughts I ponder, and everything in between. Hopefully somewhere in the mix, you'll find something that sparks an interest of yours. I love feedback, so thanks for joining me on this blogging journey and enjoy!

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